Meet Our Fighters: Dakota Ditcheva

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As the first expert-level, all-women’s MMA organization in Western Canada, Pallas Athena is on track to becoming the top-rated, all-women’s MMA confederation in all of North America. For this reason, we look to represent not only Alberta women’s MMA or even Canadian women’s MMA, but women’s MMA on a global scale.

As such, we are proud to introduce one of our women fighters, hailing all the way from the U.K. – Dakota Ditcheva.

This is Dakota’s story…


I’m a 23-year-old British Muay Thai Champion. However, I recently made the transition into MMA. One of the key features that help me stand out as a fighter is the fact that I’m comfortable standing or grappling when I’m in the cage.

With my Muay Thai background, I developed a level of competence that has served me well in competitions. And I really took to Jiu-Jitsu when I first started it as well! People say it’s an addictive sport, and it really is. Shortly after starting, I found myself becoming quite obsessed.


I was born in the U.K. and have been involved in martial arts my whole life. I started Thai Boxing at 4 years old, and I guess it runs in the family as my mom used to be a World Champion in kickboxing and full-contact karate – so I get my fighting genes from her. From an early age, I was always in gyms and was exposed to training, fighting and athletics.

Martial arts have always been a part of my life – I essentially grew up with it and it’s really all I know. So I would say my passion for fighting stems from proximity and exposure as a child.

When you’re immersed in something – especially at a young age – it kind of shapes and molds you, and that’s exactly what happened to me. And if I’m being honest, I wouldn’t have it any other way.


I transitioned to MMA about 3 years ago. Before that, I always used to watch it a lot as it was something I wanted to get into, however, the timing just wasn’t right. But I eventually made the leap and have been training MMA since then.

I had my professional debut in April 2021 at Caged Steel 25, I was on the main card. I ended up winning and was absolutely ecstatic about it! It was a great start to my MMA career, and I couldn’t have been more satisfied with the outcome.

As of right now, the standing is kind of on the backburner in order for me to work on my grappling skills. I want to focus on my groundwork and really improve in that area to become a more versatile and well-rounded fighter.

My ultimate goal is to eventually be a fighter in the UFC. That’s the main direction I’m heading in right now, and so most of my focus and concentration are primarily based on that.